2012年8月16日 星期四

brain drain 人才外流

vi. 不及物動詞
vt. 及物動詞

drain   KK [dren]
1. 排出(液體); 使流出[(+away/of...
vt. 及物動詞
  1. 排出(液體); 使流出[(+away/off/out)]
    Ditches were dug to drain water from the swamp. 挖渠排掉沼澤的水。
  2. 排掉(土地, 容器等的)水; 曬乾[(+off/of)]
  3. 喝乾
    He drained a bottle of beer. 他喝光一瓶啤酒。
  4. 耗盡[(+of)]
    The civil war drained the country of its manpower and wealth. 內戰耗盡了國家的人力和財富。
vi. 不及物動詞
  1. (水等)流掉, 漸漸枯竭[(+away/off/out)]
    Luckily the water drained away in time. 幸好水及時排掉了。
  2. (土地)排水; (衣服等)滴乾
    Put the raincoat on the balustrade to drain. 把雨衣放在欄杆上去滴乾。
n. 名詞
  1. 排水管[C]
    The bathtub drain needs repairing. 浴盆的排水管需要修理。
  2. 排水設備[P]
  3. 排水, 流出[U]
  4. 消耗, 負擔[C][(+on)]
    The cost of his children's education was a great drain on his money. 他孩子的教育費用造成他極大的負擔。
  5. (財富等的)不斷外流, 逐漸流光[U][S1]
    What he has spent is a drain on the savings of his parents. 他所花費的會耗盡他父母的積蓄。

